Sunday, 7 October 2012

So many song titles come to mind...

I know I should probably give a great explanation. I should write out beautiful words based on my feelings. I should tell the story on why I'm going home in less than two weeks. I just can't do it right now. My thoughts and emotions make no sense to me. My heart is a disaster. I'm having life experiences that I just don't want. yet, I'm here. I am living and experiencing despite what I want. So for now I'm going to tell you some things I'm looking forward to, okay? if it's not okay, click the little 'X' or the red dot in the corner of your screen. Yes, i'm a little bit edgy these days. Sorry.

-My family is a "duh" on the list. As are my friends.
-A shower with both hot water AND water pressure. That will be glorious.
-A decent pizza
-Chik-Fil-A(Are you seeing a trend?)
-English speaking people..everywhere!
-Laundry room INSIDE my house and not in a separate building.
-My car that I can drive where ever i'd like. :) Im quite excited!
-Autumn!! But not the cold. It's gonna be rough adjusting to weather again.
-Bacon wrapped stuffed peppers! My uncle so kindly sent me a picture of the ones he was eating as I'm typing this. Punk :)
-My cousin's Puppies :) Mia and Charlie
-My sweet cousin Stacy Rae is getting married and I get to be there!!
-No more lizards in my bed :) Or Cockroaches in the shower :)

Today concludes a 3 day weekend for the kids and sleep is calling me. But before I go, please take the time to watch this video. It is SO well done, and so important that it's information is shared. So please. Watch and share with the people in your life, so we can make a difference in someone else's.
If you feel so inclined to learn more or donate to the Boys Home, my friend Marla blogged about it this week. I encourage you to check it out..

Thanks All!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, friend! Love you!!

  2. i'm surprised something from starbucks or carribou isn't on here. like....spiced chia latte. hahaha.
