It's obvious that I would run into some culture differences when I move to a different continent, right? Well, it's true. Everything from when you eat your big meal to when the weekend is. Nothing really mind blowing, but enough to make things a little complicated. I think the biggest influence is being in a Muslim home. I would say that the majority of the time it's not even noticeable where I am, but Ramadan has changed that a little. As most of you know(I think I mentioned it before) Ramadan is a time of fasting in the religion of Islam. It's considered a Holy month- the month the Qur'an came to earth. It a time to be thankful for what you've been given. You fast to appreciate things more and do charitable deeds. During this month we have Iftar. It means fast breaking and it's the meal we eat at sundown. Normally, breakfast is around 10am, lunch is the large meal eaten mid afternoon, and dinner is a much smaller meal in the evening. During Ramadan the kids and I eat a much smaller breakfast and lunch in order to join those who are fasting for Iftar then enjoy one of the desserts listed in the title of this post :). We've even had guests for Iftar a few times which has been an interesting experience. The children's grandmother joined us last night and she was the first woman I have witnessed praying since i've been here. I often see my male employer praying and his son in law when he visits as well, but no women. She also covered her hair and such. My female employer and her step daughters don't do that. ever. It's amazing how different generations can be. We witness that in the States as well, don't we? Think about the life your grandmother lived, and the things you're surrounded by and even taking part in? Just something to ponder. The most recent culture difference that has messed me up is the way the holidays are here. Friday is the day off so that the men can pray at the mosque. This means that most churches hold their worship services on Fridays as well since people have the day off of work. My boss wasn't even aware of this since we both assumed protestants still worshiped on Sundays and the contract states my holiday is Sunday. Well, she's awesome and thinks it's really important I go to church to get my own life and make friends so she's allowing me to switch my day off. win. I have to say i'm majorly blessed by this family. I can't wait to get connected! I think it's really important that I become more involved where I am and less focused on whats happening where I'm not.
Things are really taking off here when it comes to relationships in the house. M and I are really starting to be good friends and I'm in high demand with the kids. Just yesterday, M and I were tag teaming getting A ready for a nap after a shower and helping K measure to see if she's grown. Every time I went to help K, A would call for me and vice versa. It's tiring, but good for the heart :) I've also established a time-out routine for my 2 yr old that is somewhat effective. Progress. it's all slow, but it's still progress.
I have a couple prayer requests. That I would get into a routine that keeps my energy up. I'm so exhausted these days--even with a 2 hour break in the middle--working 7:30am to nearly 8:30pm leaves me with barely enough motivation to shower(don't worry I still do ;)). Also, that it would be a clear task in choosing a church. There are two, in the Maadi area where a lot of foreigners live, that i'm considering. One is a little more contemporary and the other seems more traditional. Both are actually held on the same property just at different at least I only have to find one place! :) Lastly, a lot of you know about my previous work situation. It was a very stressful experience, and though I loved my charge, my boss and I never saw eye to eye about much. It weighed heavily on me and caused our separation to be less than ideal. I was always doing things outside of my job description and it became somewhat of a norm. Please pray that I can have wisdom and discernment in this new home. So far things have been wonderful, and actually my boss has brought more things to my attention than I have noticed, but I need to stay on guard as we become more comfortable that we don't fall into habits that will be harder to be broken than prevented. I like working here and I like living here. I am just trying to find the balance and blend of both parts. Pray for me in that way, please!
Thank you for your faithfulness thus far in reading about what i've been doing. Hopefully, soon, I'll be venturing out into the real world a little more!